Sunday, November 02, 2008

The Latin America paranoia round-up

I had happened to see various news stories recently, and realized they fit a pattern. Or is it paranoia if it happens to be true?

  • Alvaro Uribe says there are terrorists in his military
  • The Ecuadorian government says the CIA has infiltrated its military
  • The Nicaraguan government says some EU ambassadors want to overthrow Daniel Ortega
  • Hugo Chávez says Manuel Rosales is plotting to kill him
  • An official from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security says Latin America is chock full of Islamic extremists
  • Along the same lines, the U.S. and Colombian governments say Colombian narco-traffickers are funding Hizbullah (with the hilarious sentence, "Hizbullah officials were unavailable for comment.")
  • Evo Morales says the DEA is spying on him


boz 9:35 AM  

Hizbullah officials were unavailable for comment

Hezbollah officials commented two or three days later and denied that they were engaged in any drug trafficking/money laundering operations in Latin America.

Of course, those commenting were part of Hezbollah, the political party, not Hezbollah, the evil terrorist and crime organization (even though they're the same organization).

Greg Weeks 10:23 AM  

It just seemed funny: "Would you comment on whether you are receiving drug money to fund terrorist activities? Just curious."

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