Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Venezuelan intelligence

Hugo Chávez used decree power to revamp Venezuela’s intelligence services. I published an article not long ago about the military and intelligence reform in Argentina, Chile, and Peru, noting the military autonomy that remains. Nonetheless, for all three cases there was at least extensive debate, and decree power was not utilized. Intelligence reform should be as public as possible.

I want to see the text of the law itself, but I haven’t been able to find it. It is Decree 6.067 and was published in the Gaceta Oficial number 38.940. At the moment, however, the website for the Gaceta Oficial is not working.

As I was poking around, I came across the main site for Venezuela’s military intelligence—the Dirección General de Inteligencia Militar. I have to say it is creepy for a military intelligence site to have multiple links where citizens are encouraged to provide anonymous “denuncias.”


Boli-Nica 9:36 AM  

I came across the main site for Venezuela’s military intelligence—the Dirección General de Inteligencia Militar.

Love the picture of the military guy w/AK, back to camera,....beret makes it look like a front shot of hooded figure.
I have to say it is creepy for a military intelligence site to have multiple links where citizens are encouraged to provide anonymous “denuncias.”

Some years ago,the Venezuelan goverrnment helpfully made available online, voting rolls with id #'s and all. In theory means you can denounce someone, giving precise information.
Then again, the links give irreverent Venezuelans plenty of chances to denounce such enemies of the State as "Seymour Butts", Aureliano Buendia, and the individual members of international singing sensations RBD.

Chavez and co., are too lazy, unfocused, incompetent and corrupt to really create much of a police state. These are the same folks whose military intelligence officers almost gets lynched in Bolivia w/900k in a suitcase, then his cover as "bank official" is exposed by a journalist who Googles his name and finds him on another Venezuelan official website.

Anonymous,  6:13 PM  

where is Delacour?

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